Pine Designs

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In 2012, God opened doors for us and placed us in a perfect building for our production.  God has blessed our little Pine Designs and we just pray that we can continue to allow Him to lead the business and we just go along for the ride.


God laid on our hearts to continue to support missions and His work. We worked for Adventures In Missions and traveled to Africa many times. While there we fell in love with the Swaziland children and Go Go's, the grandmother women who take care of the orphans. So we have decided to give back a portion of our RETAIL SALES to those working in Swaziland looking after the orphans.


Swaziland has the highest rate of the infection of HIV in the world. Life expectancy: 31. The country consists mostly of grandmothers (nickname Go Go's) and thousands of orphans. The land is green and mountainous. The people are starving, unemployed and sick........yet despite this scenario that most would label "hopeless," they have overwhelming amounts of JOY. The Go Go's life stories are filled with tears and strength. The orphans dance and consistently giggle. The Go Go's cook, work in the fields, and try to provide a means for the kid’s school fees. In most cases, the whole household is in survival mode.


So when you purchase with us, you are helping the helpless and giving back.