Keep cards, cash, coins and any other trinket you need in this compact case. The very best feature? This style is designed with our Recycled Cotton! Made from 100% cotton, it's everything you know and love about our go-to fabrication: the softness, the comfort, the vibrancy — now crafted with reclaimed fibers.
- Consciously crafted with recycled cotton
- ID window
- Interior compartment
- Key ring
- Zip closure.
- Dimensions: 5.0" w x 3.0" h
Recycled Cotton - Have you heard the big news? All of Vera Bradley's iconic cotton is now being made sustainably — with 50% recycled fibers! It's everything you love about classic cotton (the softness, the comfort, the washability and vibrancy) ... and then some, like our first-ever cotton solids!
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